Canadian Prairies Jaguar Club

About SVAA

The Specialty Vehicle Association of Alberta (SVAA) is a volunteer organization. The Board is made up of people from the member clubs who often are serving as executive members with their own clubs.

The SVAA was created back in the 1970s by members of several Alberta vintage vehicle clubs for the purpose of coordinating event dates to avoid conflict. This grew into a lobby group which over the years was able to bring antique (one-time) licensing for vintage cars (25 years and older) to Alberta, and recently was able to petition, with the National Association, the Federal Government in order to prevent the creation of pollution or junker laws with respect to old cars. In the early 2000s, the SVAA adopted its current name to indicate the inclusion of all types of specialty vehicles.

Today, the SVAA consists of 65 Vintage, Modified, Street Rod, Motorcycle and 4-wheel clubs in Alberta, representing over 2,500 hobbyists.

The SVAA meets up to four times annually at all the major swap meets in Alberta, with the annual general meeting coming each year on the first Saturday in May at the CAVAC Red Deer Swap Meet, Alberta's largest. The SVAA Board meets most months via teleconference.

Visit SVAA website